52 short films submitted for Kimuak 2017

52 short films submitted for Kimuak 2017


The selection will be announced on June 12

The deadline for the 2017 edition of Kimuak closed last Wednesday May 31 with a total of 52 applications received.

The members of this year's independent selection committee are:

  • Edurne Ormazabal: Commercial Director at EiTB Basque Radio Television.
  • José Luis Rebordinos: Director of San Sebastian International Film Festival
  • Tim Redford: International Coordinator of Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival.
  • Amaia Revuelta: Cinema Unit technician at Donostia Kultura.
  • Millán Vázquez-Ortiz: General Director of Freak Independent Film Agency.

The selection will be announced on Monday, June 12.