62nd San Sebastian Festival

62nd San Sebastian Festival


Broad representation of Basque cinema and Kimuak

The Basque cinema will have a special place in the programming of the 62nd San Sebastian Festival.

Three short films from Kimuak 2014 – HUBERT LE BLONEN AZKEN HEGALDIA by Koldo Almandoz, SOROA by Asier Altuna and ZARAUTZEN EROSI ZUEN by Aitor Arregi – will be screened in the Zinemira section.

Also, several directors who have participated in Kimuak are releasing their feature films in the main sections of the festival:

  • - LOREAK (Flowers) by Jon Garaño and Jose Mari Goenaga (Official Selection)
  • - LASA ETA ZABALA (Lasa and Zabala) by Pablo Malo (Official Selection - Out of Competition)
  • - NEGOCIADOR (Negotiator) by Borja Cobeaga (Zabaltegi)
  • - I AM HAITI by Raúl de la Fuente (Zinemira)